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Planning Process

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

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for what kind of place a community wants to become
guiding a community toward its goals
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for future growth and development

A Comprehensive Plan is an official policy document adopted by a municipality that illustrates a master vision for the next 20-30 years. The Comprehensive Plan will assess the current state of Oxford, evaluate opportunities for public infrastructure investments and private development, and provide a roadmap to guide future decision making by City leaders and officials.

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Oxford's current Comprehensive Plan, entitled Oxford Tomorrow: Community Update, was adopted on November 4, 2008. It is now thirteen years later, and the time has come once again to reassess the community's plans and goals. The legacy of planning in Oxford continues under the name Oxford Tomorrow.

Why have a Comprehensive Plan?

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The City of Oxford has experienced continued population growth and development over the past several decades. The City's 2020 Census population was 23,035, and this is projected to grow to approximately 25,000 by 2030. By planning strategically, the City can anticipate growth rather than react to it. Comprehensive planning allows Oxford to prioritize community needs, prudently allocate City resources, guide private development, and generate revenue to support services and infrastructure needs while fulfilling the community's shared vision for the future.


What elements will the Plan address?

Planning & Development




Town & Gown Relations




Economic Development


Parks & Recreation




Safety, Health & Equity




More elements may be added following community feedback.

Who is updating the Plan?

The process of updating the Comprehensive Plan is being led by Columbus-based planning/urban design/landscape architecture firm MKSK along with support from City of Oxford staff, with further direction provided by a Steering Committee of key stakeholders. The City is looking to engage residents of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the development and refinement of goals for Oxford. A feedback loop is envisioned between the public, the Steering Committee and project coordinators, with numerous opportunities for input.

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Will everyone have a chance to influence the Plan? 

The project team is making every effort to ensure the Oxford Tomorrow planning process is as equitable and inclusive as possible. A variety of outreach and engagement techniques are being utilized, while still being mindful of health & safety precautions. In addition to web-based participation tools, postcards have also been distributed to various locations around town including the Municipal Building lobby. The postcards include space on the back for handwritten comments, and may be dropped off at any one of three utility/parking payment boxes Uptown. Targeted outreach to underrepresented groups is also planned.

How will the Plan be used by the City?

The Comprehensive Plan will be used by the Oxford City Council, the Oxford Planning Commission, City staff, and other City boards and commissions as they evaluate land use, development, redevelopment, annexation, and infrastructure decisions, as well as the character, location and extent of public investments and private development proposals within the City limits. While a Comprehensive Plan is not part of the City's Codified Ordinances, it is adopted by City Council and becomes an official policy document regularly used by the City organization and its partners in realizing the community's vision for Oxford.

How long will the process take?

The Oxford Tomorrow schedule is below. The project team anticipates the final draft of the plan will be ready for adoption by City Council in late 2022 or early 2023.

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Should you require a reasonable accommodation in order to fully participate, or information in an alternative format, please contact the Community Development Department at 513-524-5204.

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